In the interpretation of this Code, except were excluded by the context; words and phrases shall have the same ascribed to them as in the Constitution of the Australian Deck & Handrail Association.




  Australian Deck & Handrail Association is an association with 6 founding members. The organisation has been founded to help support and develop members to become leaders in the residential and commercial deck building industry throughout Australia.

The Association and its Members are committed to promoting the highest standards of customer service, workmanship and business conduct, and full compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, codes, and standards.

This National Code of Ethics has been developed by the Association, in consultation with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, to apply throughout Australia, to ensure that the same high standards ofcommercialconductshallbeobservedbyallitsMembersintheirdealings with each other, suppliers, customers and with the public.

This Code has been designed to comply with Australian Standard AS4269-1995on Complaints Handling and Australian Standard AS 3806-1998 on CompliancePrograms.

  This National Code of Ethics applies to all Members of the Australian Deck & Handrail Association. It is the duty of every Member to comply with this Code, and to take all reasonable steps to ensure that their associates and employees do not commit any act or make any omission which would be a breach of this Code if committed by the Member.
  This Code applies to all commercial dealings by Members with fellow Members, suppliers, customers and with the public generally. It also applies to the obligations of Members under the Constitution of the Association.
  This Code aims to:
  a)      promote the highest standards of customer service, competence, workmanship and conduct by Members in the decking industry;
  b)      provide guidelines to Members on best practice for the marketing, costing and supply of building services to the public;
  c)      establish a simple and effective complaints handling and disputes resolution procedure, with appropriate sanctions for breaches of this Code;
  d)      through responsible self-regulation, complement and enhance existing laws and codes governing Members; and
  e)      strengthen the competitive edge of Members of the Association by assuring customers and suppliers that they have the right to always expect the highest standards
  All Members of the Association have agreed to be bound by the National Code of Ethics, under which they shall always conduct their business to:

1.       provide products and services with competence, fairness, value, honesty, and integrity.

2.       supplier must sell product via the correct channels. Under no circumstances can product be sold direct to trade or public.

3.       individual reps can advise only.

4.       product warranty – Product issues must be directed via the correct channels e.g., retailers.

5.       anti-competitive behaviour – e.g., price fixing

6.       pricing cannot be spoken about in an open forum.

  b)      ensure that all products and services they provide are delivered as advertised, and that all claims made are genuine. The Australian Deck & Handrail Association will endeavour to only promote products that comply to Australian standards and codes.
  c)      ensure that standards of workmanship are provided as promised to the customer, in accordance with appropriate industry practice for the class of work concerned, and in a manner which shall enhance the reputation of the industry;
  d)      use their best endeavours to ensure compliance with the Code by all partners, associates, employees, and contractors, to the extent that the code applies to them; and
  e)      avoid any action which might bring the Association and its Members into disrepute.
  Members believe that the individual success of other Members benefits the Association as an industry body and, in turn, aids each Member through their association with the Association. Therefore, Members shall:
  a)      seek to promote the goals of the Association by adhering to the principles in this Code and providing mutual support and assistance to other Members bound by this Code; and
  b)      at all times conduct their business in free and fair competition, and refrain from making any misleading or untrue statements about other Members.
  The Association shall on a regular basis publish for the guidance of its Members details of what it considers to be appropriate standards of conduct, service, workmanship, best practice, and ethical dealing in particular areas.
  a)      Any consumer, Member or other person who believes they have a complaint against a member in connection with their commercial conduct or obligations under the Constitution of the Association may ask the Association to deal with the complaint under this Code of Ethics.
  b)      Unless satisfied that the complaint is not a genuine one, or is trivial or vexatious, the Association shall attempt to resolve the complaint informally, including by reference to independent mediation if appropriate.
  c)      If the Association is unable to resolve such a complaint, it shall refer the complaint to an independent Complaints Committee for decision.

d)      Should a complaint occur, a sub-committee consisting of 3 members from outside the board will be formed to handle complaints by either the association members or from third party member who are not connected with this association.

e)      See Attachment 1 below

f)        Do we want to include Attachment 1, or do we want to keep it simple and allow the panel of 3 independents make the decision?

g)      Or do we leave it as it is, and should a major problem arise advise both parties to seek independent legal advice?

  h)      The Complaints Committee shall consider the complaint in a fair and proper manner in accordance with detailed complaints procedures adopted by the Association under this Code.
  i)        The Complaints Committee, if it finds that a member is in breach of this Code, may take disciplinary action against the Member, including cautioning, reprimanding, suspending, (or removing) obtaining undertakings in relation to future conduct or recommending that the National Board of Directors of the Association terminate the membership of the Member.
  This Code is administered by the National Board of Directors of the Association, subject to the Constitution of the Association and By-laws made under that Constitution from time to time. The National Board of Directors shall:
  a)          keep this Code under review to ensure that it is achieving its stated objectives;
  b)          if necessary, and after due consultation with interested bodies, implement any changes to this Code which appear desirable;
  c)          report annually on the performance of this Code, as measured by appropriate indicators developed by the National Board;
  d)          provide guidance and assistance to Members in developing appropriate internal mechanisms to facilitate the Member’s continuous compliance with this Code; and
  e)          may convene a Codes Administration Sub-committee for this purpose.
  a)          The Association shall make every effort to ensure that the benefits and obligations of this Code are known as widely as possible, both among its Members and their staff, and with the public generally. The Association shall cooperate with other bodies, including the ACCC and Departments of Fair Trading, in dealing with matters arising under this Code.
  b)          The Association welcomes comment on this Code and its operation. The Association is committed to ongoing improvement of and consultation about this Code with interested public and private bodies, including individual customers, consumer groups, ACCC, Fair Trading and Consumer Protection Departments, Trade Associations, Suppliers, Public Utilities and Local Governments. Any correspondence should be sent by Mail to the:

Australian Deck & Handrail Association